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Starting at NIST

Starting at NIST

Welcome to the NIST community! 

After successfully completing the application process, you may still have questions about school resources, policies, procedures, or other aspects of the school. We hope the following list of frequently asked questions can help answer your query.

If you have any further enquiries, please email your Admissions team contact.

Online Enrolment

Upon enroling at NIST, you will receive a link requesting you complete an online enrolment. This will allow you to provide the school with additional contact details, and will give you access to the school's software databases used for signing up to parent-student-teacher conferences, accessing student reports and grades, and ordering school lunch online, amongst other things.

Online Enrollment

For information relating to how you and your family can benefit from being a member of our community, you may also like to visit our Community page. Here you will see how our parents, alumni, faculty and staff, and students all come together and support each other, and how we work to support other members of our community. How can we help you be an active member of our community?


Additional resources and information relating to your child/ren’s schedule, may be available on our internal school Parent Portal. Upon accepting an offer to join NIST, and close to the date of your child/ren joining us on campus, you will receive a welcome email with login information. If you do not receive this email, please contact a member of the Admissions team.